Hear "No Quitter"
Michael Phelps this for you baby
I'm goin for the gold
My heart is in control my mind is on succeed and I am in the lead
Don't buy into the schemes
The science or strategy
Just giant and you tease brings triumph and belief
I'm reliant on redeem inspired by the green never tieing off of tig never defiant to my team
Never lying on the thing until I'm lying on the thing hooked to wires and things I'm a die as a king
If I don't do it now I'm a try it again and when I do accomplish it I'm a try it again I'm a riot insane I'm a lion my mane hangs down to my strings and they're tied to the game I stay dry when it rain I'm tried of the fame got everything to gain and I'm proud of the pain
The pride and the plain the wise and the strange the not by the sane besides we're the same
Whose guiding the train whose flyin the plane whose drivin the lane who dies when it bang who fires when it bang who lies in the aim two lives in the drain who crys when they sang you hide but you can't you hide but you ain't
I advise you to thank(think) you'll find what you can't
Revive what you taint survive what you paint super-size what you shrank the fries and the drank
Admired as a saint defined by my rank combined with my strength my time and my length I'm a iron out the kinks yes I'm on the brink and in the eye of my wink I'm a retire in the bank yeah
And I'm no quitter cause I'm a go I'm a go I'm a go getta and I'm no quitter cause I'm a go I'm a go I'm a go getta
Yeah I I'm gon get it I I'm gon get it yeah I'm gon get it yeah
Cause I'm a go I'm a go I'm a go getta
Victory consistantly train all year to be the enemy's misery no stress visibly neither does it enter me I think positively you can't harm me mentally not physically not spiritually you'll never get rid of me I am the epitome of this is what you did to me nothin's what you did for me
Nothin's what you give to me I take whatever I'm visualing now break all of the limiting now shake all of the gimicking
The fakery the trickery nurse how sick is he worse I'm sickening I'll be at the finish line first how quick is he I'm a make sure they mention me for the next century
I ain't with the bickering I'm full of dignity I'm full of energy pull out the inner me or bull after dinner meat I stood in the winter heat it could be the end of me but good be defending me yeeeaaahhh
And and I'm no quitter I'm a go I'm a go I'm a go getta yeeeaaahhhh and I'm no quitter I'm a go I'm a go I'm a go getta and I'm no quiter I'm a go I'm a go I'm a go getta
Yeaah I'm allergic to cheatin and I hate failure and I'm in love with achievement above and beneath it a hug when I greet it my eyes on the prize and I love when I seek it done with the speakin begun with the
Preachin now pray until I am one with the deacon now play until I have won whatever we win I play until I have won and then I re-win
And I'm no quitter
I'm a go I'm a go I'm a go getta
And I'm no quitter
I'm a go I'm a go I'm a go getta
I'm gon get it yeah I'm gon get it yeah I'm gon get it yeah
And I'm no quitter
I'm a go I'm a go I'm a go getta
And I'm no quitter
I'm a go I'm a go I'm a go getta
And I'm no quitter
I'm a go I'm a go I'm a go getta
And I'm no quitter

Saturday, December 25, 2010
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Rought Draft Essay #3
Kyle Barker
Professor Kerr
EN 101-5
2 October 2010
Choosing Success over Failure
Everyday in life many different options are presented to us, and we are given the opportunity to make choices on our personal desires and preferences. There see many times in which others may influence our decisions but overall it is our responsibility to make the choice that is compatible with us, the "right" choice. But who is to say that the choices we make see always correct? Everybody’s perception of right and wrong is different and in making these choices everybody has to evaluate how these choices are going to affect their lives. Every choice makes a difference in our behavior and emotions, our lifestyle, and also provides a learning experience. Everybody has there own beliefs and they use those beliefs to help them to make choices which in the end will some how help or hurt them. The choices we make and choose to follow will sometimes lead us to success and in more unfortunate cases, lead us to failure.
One noticeable difference is the emotions imitating the result of success or failure. Success brings forth emotions such as happiness, optimism, and satisfaction. If you strongly believe in your mind and heart that you can achieve your goals in life your emotions will intensify. The intense belief and emotions will push you towards the direction of success. For example if you are in the last 30 seconds of a championship basketball game and your team is down by two points and you are confident you will sink the final jump shot to win the game then do. This moment of success is glorified with a sense of achievement and fulfillment. The key we are searching for in life is happiness. The reason we chase success is because it brings us this feeling of happiness we are searching for (“Redefining Failures-“). On the other hand there are the emotions portrayed from failure. A person who often fails is bound to feel sad, angry, and even afraid. When someone fails they feel as if they have just been brought down. As if you would feel if you found out you failed a math test you just took last week. Failure to complete or fulfill their task can sometimes make a person feel depressed and down. This will only result in more failures.
Comparing both success and failure another difference is noticed. The lifestyle one another lives. A person who succeeds is more likely to have a positive attitude and outlook on situations. The more you experience success, the more you will be driven to succeed. Often most people who aim to be successful in one field many times are successful in others as well (“The Feeling of Success”). Although the successful guy will have times of failure as well the difference is he will get back up and try again until he achieves success. For example Thomas Edison who failed thousands of times trying new inventions (“How to be Successful”). While the person who fails is afraid to try again fearing they will repeatedly fail. The failure lets fear control their actions and mindset which will destroy them. If you were to approach a girl at the mall and ask for her number and were to fail and never try again you would be letting the fear of failing hold you back. Then it is more than likely that you never get a number unless tried again.
Yet another difference between success and failure is the knowledge and experience. A successful person will gain knowledge from their experience even if the first few times may lead to failure. A great example of a person like this would be Henry Ford. “While Ford is today known for his innovative assembly line and American-made cars, he wasn't an instant success. In fact, his early businesses failed and left him broke five time before he founded the successful Ford Motor Company” (50 Famously Successful”). Someone who fails at first but try’s again will always gain more knowledge than someone who fails and gives up. When you give up you learn nothing and never will if not attempted again. Without failure there would be no success. If Rosa Parks were to not stand up for her self and sit on the front of the bus that day because she was afraid to fail we would possibly still be having the same problems today.
Here are the three main differences between success and failure. As we can see it is clearly a better choice to pick success over failure. Based on the fact that success brings happiness, better over all goals and achievements, and experience and knowledge. Therefore it is important to consider your future and choose the road of success to live a happy life.
50 Famously Successful: http://www.onlinecollege.org/2010/02/16/50-famously-successful-people-who-failed-at-first/
How to be Successful: http://www.articlesbase.com/leadership-articles/how-to-be-successful-failure-vs-success-145615.html
Redefining Failures: http://www.articlesbase.com/leadership-articles/how-to-be-successful-failure-vs-success-145615.html
The Feeling of Success: http://onlyonelifetolive.blogspot.com/2007/07/feeling-of-success.html
Monday, November 15, 2010
1. What is dignity and what does it do to someone?
The elevation of character, intrinsic worth, excellence... nobleness of manner, aspect, or style (http://www.accesstoinsight.org/lib/authors/bodhi/bps-essay_38.html)
2. Who are a few famous people with dignity?
3. Give an example of showing dignity?
The elevation of character, intrinsic worth, excellence... nobleness of manner, aspect, or style (http://www.accesstoinsight.org/lib/authors/bodhi/bps-essay_38.html)
2. Who are a few famous people with dignity?
3. Give an example of showing dignity?
1. Whats the definition of gimmincking?
A device employed to cheat, device, or trick, especially a mechanism for seceret and dishonest control of gambling apparatus
2. Is gimmicking illegal?
Some gimmicking is illegal such as coin and or any currency (https://www.penguinmagic.com/discuss/viewtopic.php?f=10003&t=146745&start=0)
3. Does gimmicking create competition?
A device employed to cheat, device, or trick, especially a mechanism for seceret and dishonest control of gambling apparatus
2. Is gimmicking illegal?
Some gimmicking is illegal such as coin and or any currency (https://www.penguinmagic.com/discuss/viewtopic.php?f=10003&t=146745&start=0)
3. Does gimmicking create competition?
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
1. What makes people feel misery?
Some of the thnings that can bring upon misery is need, privation, or poverty
2. Is misery always a bad thing?
Misery is defined as extreme unhappiness making it a bad thing
3. How does misery affect someone?
Misery can cause someone distress, suffering, grief and many other emotions also
Some of the thnings that can bring upon misery is need, privation, or poverty
2. Is misery always a bad thing?
Misery is defined as extreme unhappiness making it a bad thing
3. How does misery affect someone?
Misery can cause someone distress, suffering, grief and many other emotions also
1. What exactly is a Saint?
A person of exceptional holiness who are important in many religions, mainly christianity (http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&rlz=1R2ADFA_enUS373&defl=en&q=define:saint&sa=X&ei=T5jhTPe5IYWdlgf7vajkBw&ved=0CBkQkAE)
2. Is a saint only in the christian religion?
No it can be in other religions too but is just mainly in christianity
3. Who are some well known saints?
Saint Paul, Saint Joseph, Saint Thomas
A person of exceptional holiness who are important in many religions, mainly christianity (http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&rlz=1R2ADFA_enUS373&defl=en&q=define:saint&sa=X&ei=T5jhTPe5IYWdlgf7vajkBw&ved=0CBkQkAE)
2. Is a saint only in the christian religion?
No it can be in other religions too but is just mainly in christianity
3. Who are some well known saints?
Saint Paul, Saint Joseph, Saint Thomas
Monday, October 18, 2010
1. What are the feelings of pride?
Pride is a sense of satisfaction or pleasure in success, or a feeling of honor and self-respect (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Pride)
2. What are some ways someone can show pride?
Pride can be shown through clothing such as wearing an american flag to show american pride or through emotions and actions
3. Can pride affects someones emotions?
Without showing pride self concious emotions are affected. Mainly the primary emotions are affected shame, guilt and embarrassment, self concious because they require social awareness-are culturally derived as opposed to the primary emotions, which seem to be hard-wired. (http://www.apa.org/monitor/mar06/pride.aspx)
Pride is a sense of satisfaction or pleasure in success, or a feeling of honor and self-respect (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Pride)
2. What are some ways someone can show pride?
Pride can be shown through clothing such as wearing an american flag to show american pride or through emotions and actions
3. Can pride affects someones emotions?
Without showing pride self concious emotions are affected. Mainly the primary emotions are affected shame, guilt and embarrassment, self concious because they require social awareness-are culturally derived as opposed to the primary emotions, which seem to be hard-wired. (http://www.apa.org/monitor/mar06/pride.aspx)
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Answers to Questions about Triumph and Belief
1. Does strong beliefs lead to success?
Strong beliefs can lead to success. If you have an intense belief that your goal can be achieved there is a high probability that you will succeed. http://www.solveyourproblem.com/artman/publish/article_813.shtml
One of the best runners of all time Paul Tergat says "Passion, Determination and Belief Lead to Success". http://www.takethemagicstep.com/coaching/athletes/interviews/paul-tergat-passion-determination-and-belief-lead-to-success/
2. What feelings come with triumph?
Some feelings that come with triumph are exultation, happiness, victorious and success. http://www.wordia.com/triumph/definitions
3. What are some of the things that make people have such strong beliefs in the things they do?
4. What defines something or someone as successful?
Someone successful is someone that helps others as well as them self. Success isn't measured by how much we get, but by how much we give. http://www.lifeoptimizer.org/2007/05/11/how-do-you-define-successful-people/ Something is successful when it ends in favorable outcome or acheivement. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/successful
5. Is triumph always a postive thing or can it have negative effects?
Strong beliefs can lead to success. If you have an intense belief that your goal can be achieved there is a high probability that you will succeed. http://www.solveyourproblem.com/artman/publish/article_813.shtml
One of the best runners of all time Paul Tergat says "Passion, Determination and Belief Lead to Success". http://www.takethemagicstep.com/coaching/athletes/interviews/paul-tergat-passion-determination-and-belief-lead-to-success/
2. What feelings come with triumph?
Some feelings that come with triumph are exultation, happiness, victorious and success. http://www.wordia.com/triumph/definitions
3. What are some of the things that make people have such strong beliefs in the things they do?
4. What defines something or someone as successful?
Someone successful is someone that helps others as well as them self. Success isn't measured by how much we get, but by how much we give. http://www.lifeoptimizer.org/2007/05/11/how-do-you-define-successful-people/ Something is successful when it ends in favorable outcome or acheivement. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/successful
5. Is triumph always a postive thing or can it have negative effects?
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Revive what you taint
1. Should everyting tainted always be revived?
2. Why is revival needed?
3. When something is tainted is it always a bad thing?
4. What is taint?
2. Why is revival needed?
3. When something is tainted is it always a bad thing?
4. What is taint?
Monday, August 30, 2010
Triumph and belief
1. Does strong beliefs lead to success?
2. What feelings come with triumph?
3. What are some of the things that make people have such strong beliefs in the things they do?
4. What defines something or someone as successful?
5. Is triumph always a positive thing or can it have negative effects?
2. What feelings come with triumph?
3. What are some of the things that make people have such strong beliefs in the things they do?
4. What defines something or someone as successful?
5. Is triumph always a positive thing or can it have negative effects?
Friday, April 30, 2010
Essay Draft 1
Beliefs In the World
A belief is a mental attitude that some proposition is true. (dictionary.com) Beliefs can be, and often are misleading. Beliefs are developed from what is taken from the world around us, from how we are brought up and the morals and values we gain from our peers. Once beliefs are formed they are often held on to. Thesis: Beliefs are based on different elements such as facts, myths and lies.
Facts are a piece of information about circumstances that exist or events that have occurred (define:fact). The reason people believe in facts is because facts are a credible source of information that is real. Believing in something does as good as not knowing if something is real for sure, this is why people choose to believe facts. Beliefs are thoughts experienced in the mind. A fact shows observable proof. For example it’s a fact that gravity pulls down on objects, so if I were to drop an English book it would fall to the floor because of the gravities pull on the book. Facts are being thrown at us every day no matter where we go from commercials on television, magazines and newspapers and even from our peers. When we see these facts in our everyday lives and they become our beliefs. Often a belief is assumed to be a fact when the mind is determined that the belief is a fact. Sometimes we will just believe what we hear without knowing for sure if what we heard was true or not (Beliefs That Can Kill).
Religious belief refers to a mental state in which faith is placed in a creed related to supernatural, sacred, or divine (Religious Belief- Encyclopedia). Religious Belief mainly focuses on ideas. There are many different religious beliefs such as Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Hebrew, Hinduism and many more. These religions all have different ideas and ways of practicing there religious believes. An example is exclusivism, this is when people of one religion believe that the other religion is either an error, corrupted or not true faith (Exclusivism). In the Jewish culture they believe anyone who doesn’t accept the teaching of the Jewish monotheism is excluded messianic. Christianity shows religious exclusivisim in the Catholic Church and the teachings of several denominations believe that only the ones who practice the true faith will reach heaven, the ones outside of the church will go to Hell. In the Islam religion they reject religious traditions that have no part in Allah or paradise (Exclusive, religious). There is also religious Inclusivism which claims that one religion is explicitly true, while all others are implicitly true and that God accepts an ‘implicit’ faith in lieu of explicit faith in Christ. That while there is no salvation outside of Jesus Christ, that He will extend His mercy to many who lead moral lives but may have incomplete, or no knowledge of Him in this present life (Inclusivism). An example of this would be if an inclusivist Christian were to say “I am Christian and believe that Christianity is the more superior religion, but I do think that there is some truth in Judaism and Buddhism.” This also goes the same for other religions.
Myths are colorful stories that tell about the origins of humans and the cosmos. Myths have always been around through the course of history. Myths can and often do turn into beliefs. A good example of this would be how children in certain cultures believe in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy (Beliefs That Can Kill). These myths were made up way back in the day but are still being practiced today by individuals living in the present. Ancient Egyptians believed in mummifying the dead to preserve the body in the after life. These ancient beliefs were not forgotten over time. People today still cleanse and embalm the bodies to prepare the body for afterlife, they sometimes even place personal belongings in the coffin to carry on with them into after life. Another myth still practiced today is the rain dance; some tribes still continue this ritual to bring forth rainfall (Myths and Beliefs of Early Civilizations).
Beliefs are very important to everything we do today. Everything we hear on the news, in church, in political parties or wherever we are is based on someone’s beliefs. People put their beliefs in facts, religion, even myths from ancient times. Our beliefs decide who we vote for or where we go to church even on our level of success in life. So no matter what it is going on in life beliefs will always be a part of it whether.
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